Mutant World

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Jonas Bonér @ JUG Torino - January 19th

Jonas Bonér of Terracotta Tech will be our guest speaker at the monthly meeting of the JUG Torino on January 19th, 18:30.

The title of his talk is: How to write scalable, highly available web applications.

If you are in the Torino area, this meeting is one which will be really worth attending, both for the speaker importance and for the arguments.

Here you can find more information on this meeting.


Monday, January 01, 2007

UTF-8 handling for ResourceBundle and Properties

Every new version of the JDK comes with small improvements, often unnoticed, that however correct long-standing bugs or request for enhancements.

One such improvements is - finally! - the ability for java.util.Properties to handle non ISO-8859-1 properties files.
At first seems like a very small improvement, but anyone that worked on localizing an application (for example translating messages into a country specific language) knows that encoding problems are just painful, and that is far too easy to waste days trying to get them right.

JDK 5 added a new API, namely Properties.loadFromXML(InputStream), that allowed to specify properties using an XML syntax, and hence to specify the encoding of the XML file in the XML declaration (the first line of an XML file):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<entry key="">Καλημέρα κόσμε</entry>

JDK 6 went further, adding Properties.load(Reader): in case the encoding is known a priori by the program, it is possible to create a Reader that uses the specific encoding to read the properties file.

However, in JDK 5, java.util.ResourceBundle was only able to read properties files that were encoded in ISO-8859-1, and this forced the translators to put horrible unicode escapes instead of real text. Following the above example, in JDK 5 you have to write the properties file containing translations like this:\u039A\u03B1\u03BB\u03B7\u03BC\u03AD\u03C1\u03B1 \u03BA\u03CC\u03C3\u03BC\u03B5

Pretty ugly, especially when you think that the API to read properties file in XML format is already present in JDK 5, only that ResourceBundle has not been updated to use it.

Fortunately, with JDK 6 it is possible to solve this problem, although requires a bit of coding (see below).

In JDK 6 ResourceBundle has been extended to give the user more control on how to load resources, by subclassing ResourceBundle.Control, and passing an instance of the ResourceBundle.Control subclass like this:

ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", new MyControl());

where MyControl is the ResourceBundle.Control subclass.
The class ResourceBundle.Control allows to tune:
  • the kind of resource to load (a Java class, a properties file, a properties file in XML format, or any other format you decide)

  • the policy of expiration of the resource, thus allowing reload the resource upon some condition

  • the ResourceBundle subclass to instantiate, normally depending on the kind of resource

Here's the JDK 6 class that allows to load XML properties files as resource bundles.

* JDK 6's {@link ResourceBundle.Control} subclass that allows
* loading of bundles in XML format.
* The bundles are searched first as Java classes, then as
* properties files (these two methods are the standard
* search mechanism of ResourceBundle), then as XML properties
* files.
* The filename extension of the XML properties files is assumed
* to be *.properties.xml
public class ExtendedControl extends ResourceBundle.Control
private static final String FORMAT_XML_SUFFIX = "properties.xml";
private static final String FORMAT_XML = "java." + FORMAT_XML_SUFFIX;
private static final List<String> FORMATS;
List<String> formats = new ArrayList<String>(FORMAT_DEFAULT);
FORMATS = Collections.unmodifiableList(formats);

public List<String> getFormats(String baseName)
return FORMATS;

public ResourceBundle newBundle(String baseName, Locale locale,
String format, ClassLoader loader,
boolean reload)
throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, IOException
if (!FORMAT_XML.equals(format))
return super.newBundle(baseName, locale, format, loader, reload);

String bundleName = toBundleName(baseName, locale);
String resourceName = toResourceName(bundleName, FORMAT_XML_SUFFIX);
final URL resourceURL = loader.getResource(resourceName);
if (resourceURL == null) return null;

InputStream stream = getResourceInputStream(resourceURL, reload);

PropertyXMLResourceBundle result = new PropertyXMLResourceBundle();
return result;

private InputStream getResourceInputStream(final URL resourceURL,
boolean reload)
throws IOException
if (!reload) return resourceURL.openStream();

// This permission has already been checked by
// ClassLoader.getResource(String), which will return null
// in case the code has not enough privileges.
return AccessController.doPrivileged(
new PrivilegedExceptionAction<InputStream>()
public InputStream run() throws IOException
URLConnection connection = resourceURL.openConnection();
return connection.getInputStream();
catch (PrivilegedActionException x)
throw (IOException)x.getCause();

* ResourceBundle that loads definitions from an XML properties file.
public static class PropertyXMLResourceBundle extends ResourceBundle
private final Properties properties = new Properties();

public void load(InputStream stream) throws IOException

protected Object handleGetObject(String key)
return properties.getProperty(key);

public Enumeration<String> getKeys()
final Enumeration<Object> keys = properties.keys();
return new Enumeration<String>()
public boolean hasMoreElements()
return keys.hasMoreElements();

public String nextElement()
return (String)keys.nextElement();

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